Defibrillator & CPR First Aid Training

You never know when disaster will strike as an individual could go into cardiac arrest at any time and anywhere. Once this happens, every second counts, as for each minute that passes the patient’s chances of survival drop rapidly. By having a defibrillator close by, the patient’s odds of survival will increase significantly. While manual CPR can help, a defibrillator dramatically increases the chances of resuscitating the patient.

Of course, it’s important that you and your employees know, first, where it’s located and, second, how to use it. The purpose of the Defibrillator & CPR First Aid Training course is to teach attendees how to operate a defibrillator and how to successfully perform CPR.

No Experience Required

Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are a worthwhile investment as they have been shown to save lives. For the health and well-being of all employees and clients, it’s recommended that a business considers equipping themselves with one or more of these devices. It’s also suggested that all employees are trained in their usage.

No previous experience or special training is required to attend this course. We’ll teach you everything you need to know and leave you with the confidence of knowing exactly what to do in a life or death situation. Whether as supplementary training for another first aid certification or as a stand-alone qualification, this course is designed to suit everyone.

CPC Accreditable

If the attendee requires us to do so, we can also accredit the seven-hour Driver CPC training.

The course itself covers a number of areas.

For those who have completed any of the other first aid courses, this might include re-treading familiar ground. The areas covered include:

Role of the First Aider

How to Manage an Emergency

Caring for a Casualty/ Effective Communication

Chest Pains

Introducing to the AED

How to Operate the AED

How to Treat an Unresponsive Casualty

Resuscitation (CPR)

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01202 873 911

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